Corporate Design

Corporate design is the visual, uniform appearance of a company, organization or institution. It is the overall image that makes the company unmistakable both internally and externally.

When we say corporate design, we mean more than just traditional graphic design. It is a collective term that covers both the strategy (like branding) and the design (like brand identity) of a corporate identity.



A logo is the symbol of your brand, and although it doesn’t take up too much space, it has a big impact. But make no mistake – logos aren’t just for big, faceless companies. Every business and even every individual who wants to stand out from the crowd and promote brand awareness needs a logo.


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type. It is not only about the design or composition of letters and characters, but also about communication, visual identity, brand identity, usability and much more.

Color palette

Color psychology teaches us that colors influence the way people see or react to things. For example, when a bright green is used in a restaurant logo, it suggests that the meals on offer are healthy.


A strategically designed logo can say a lot about your brand, for example: What industry you’re in, what kind of solutions you offer, or what kind of personality your brand has. So a well-designed logo can do a lot to set the right tone for your brand.

Logo Typeface Color Palette


A uniform and consistent use of your logo supports your corporate identity.
A good logo is clearly recognizable in any size and format.

Corporate Wear

Company clothing


If you "only" put the logo on a shirt, jacket or overall, we are talking about corporate wear. Mostly this is desired by craft companies who want to make their fitters "recognizable". But if a "corporate spirit", a "we" feeling, loyalty to the company is to be expressed, we are talking about CI clothing, corporate wear or image clothing. But not only the feeling is decisive here, but also the material, the cut, the colors.

What do the employees think about it?

Is a mixed style better for your company, where private clothing and CI clothing can be combined? Or, as is often the case with larger companies, a mixture of different styles. Employees in production and in the office have different requirements for clothing. In any case, it should not only be selected according to fashion aspects. The aspects of comfort, the employee’s own identity and, if necessary, protection should also play a role.

One Team

Employees who wear company-specific workwear automatically become image bearers for their company, radiating competence and credibly conveying internal values to the outside world. But it is not only the external effect that is enhanced by the right work clothing: within a company, corporate wear promotes the awareness of being part of a team.

Is your company “visible”?

Externally, corporate fashion represents an enormous recognition value for companies. Which strengthens the brand and the corporate identity. Think of DHL for example… in your mind’s eye you probably now see a person in some kind of uniform in bright yellow and red with DHL logo on the chest. You now have the thought “parcel delivery” – Right?
Can you remember the look of the last pizza delivery person? No? The logo or the company colors? Not really? No wonder, because here you have an excellent example of how to strengthen a company’s external image and visibility via corporate fashion. If you are also thinking about using corporate clothing or even corporate fashion in your company, we will be happy to help you with advice and support.

Example of a corporate wear concept

Corporate Design

Corporate Architecture

Corporate Architecture

Corporate architecture is an architectural discipline that deals with the design and construction of buildings, spaces or environments. The goal is to demonstrate the corporate philosophy through architectural signs.

A classic example would be the BMW Four Cylinder Building.

Biophilic office design
Corporate Architecture

Would you like to make your entrance area more inviting or areas of your company more work-friendly?

Would you like to have individual company or brand relevant decoration?

Would you like to design a new office complex?

We will be happy to advise you.

Corporate Architecture